Department of Home Affairs in Australia: Silencing Australians
On December 22, 2022, Alex Antic, a Liberal party senator in Australia, made a Freedom of Information request about digital censorship during the Covid era.
Finally, on the 8th May 2023, the DHA responded with a fairly derisory reply: a document of 37 pages that contained an introduction of 8 pages explaining why all the rest was redactions except for the last page.
On the very last page the document revealed that between 2017 and 2022 the Australian Department of Home Affairs had made:
9,423 terrorist and violent extremist related referrals were made to digital platforms to review content against their own terms of service by the Department of Home Affairs for the period 1 January 2017 to 15 December 2022.
4,213 COVID-19 related content referrals were made to digital platforms to review content against their own terms of service by the Department of Home Affairs for the period 1 January 2017 to 15 December 2022.
In total, the Department of Home Affairs has made 13,636 referrals to digital platforms to review content against their own terms of service, for the period 1 January 2017 to 15 December 2022.
The story was published in the Australian newspaper and on Matt Taibbi’s substack.
Considering that the DHA had gone to such lengths to hide their actions, it is rather ironic that Andrew Lowenthal, an investigative reporter working on the Twitter files, had been looking at the same topic, from the Twitter side, and revealed some of the secrets they were trying to hide.
It turned out that the DHA takedown requests came from a department with the rather Orwellian name, the “Social Cohesion Division” of the DHA’s “Extremism Insights and Communication” office.
In one letter, DHA staff thanked Twitter’s Global Escalations Team in advance for handling a “hefty request” of 44 takedowns.
The DHA was even targeting foreigners on social media, who might be influencing Australians on social media. One post that was targeted for removal by the DHA was a post by a doctor in the UK who has a PhD in molecular biology, doubting the efficacy of PCR tests and saying that SARS-COV-2 was man-made. The take-down notice said:
By claiming that the PCR test is ‘flawed’ and that COVID-19 is ‘man-made’ the content includes categories of potentially harmful information explicitly prohibited by Twitter including: false or misleading information about the prevalence of the virus, or risk of infection or death, such as the prevalence of the virus or the disease, such as information pertaining to test results, hospitalizations, or mortality rates. The post also attmepts to undermine public confidence in PCR test efficacy, and contradicts official Government advice which states that PCR tests are currently considered the ‘gold standard’ in COVID-19 diagnosis.
This was the tweet that was taken down:
In retrospect, both claims are widely admitted as being truthful. An rt-pcr test cycle threshhold of more than 35 was considered likely to be a false positive by medical experts even in 2020; a Qatari study identified the line between true results and false positives as a cycle threshhold of 30.4. Medical authorities in Australia, UK and the US were using cycle threshholds of more than 40 in their PCR testing at the height of the epidemic. I have elsewhere looked at the evidence for Covid being man-made, but of course, the FBI and CIA now say that it probably was.
The Australian authorities were even more authoritarian and censorious than their US counterparts, censoring jokes, hyperbolic statements such as “they shove the PCR tests up into your brains”, tweets from people with only a few followers, and medical recommendations that later on proved to be true. Even this image posted in reply to a tweet claiming “masks are useless” according to the DHA censors contradicted “official information,” meaning it was “potentially harmful”:
The DHA did not even avail the resources of government scientists for their Twitter takedowns: their sources were notoriously biased and unreliable factcheckers such as yahoo, reuters, and usatoday. One post by a doctor who recommended using steroids for Covid-19 was cancelled; this has subsequently become common practice in medicine. One post was targeted for cancellation because the poster had said the Minister for Health used “emotionally manipulative language.”
It leaves a sour taste in the mouth to know that Australia has become a dystopian state reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984.
A study in Qatar states that a PCR test with a cycle threshhold value of <30.4 identifies people who have a risk of transmitting Covid; if the ct >30.4 it is identifying people as Covid positive who have a very low risk of transmitting Covid. Al Bayat S, Mundodan J, Hasnain S, Sallam M, Khogali H, Ali D, Alateeg S, Osama M, Elberdiny A, Al-Romaihi H, Al-Thani MHJ. Can the cycle threshold (Ct) value of RT-PCR test for SARS CoV2 predict infectivity among close contacts? J Infect Public Health. 2021 Sep;14(9):1201-1205. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2021.08.013. Epub 2021 Aug 13. PMID: 34416598; PMCID: PMC8362640.
Healy B, Khan A, Metezai H, Blyth I, Asad H. The impact of false positive COVID-19 results in an area of low prevalence. Clin Med (Lond). 2021 Jan;21(1):e54-e56. doi: 10.7861/clinmed.2020-0839. Epub 2020 Nov 26. PMID: 33243836; PMCID: PMC7850182.
Global. It was global.
So it was a GLOBAL COUP.
Are we awake yet?