Factcheck: Microchips and Compliance
There are a lot of claims going round about microchips and biochips. Most of them are mostly true.
Various claims; mostly true at least partially.
I need to be naunced about these claims; what I’m going to do is reverse fact check some of the fact checkers.
But what I can see is that there is a large degree of truth in many claims that sound paranoid on the face of it.
Yes, DARPA is funding the creation of Ingestible biochips.
Yes, Pfizer has made an ingestible pill that can broadcast a message when it is swallowed and digested.
Yes, implantable chips are being used in Sweden for banking.
Please forgive me if I am somewhat sarcastic in this article; it is most unlike my hero Blaise Pascal, but the ridiculously biased responses of many ‘fact-checkers’ deserves scorn.
Ingestible Microchips that are able to track your location
This ‘excellent’ <sarc> factcheck “Health Sensors Misconstrued as Government Tracking ‘Microchips’” says:
A digital device company is developing gel sensors that would monitor the wearer’s health and could potentially help to detect future outbreaks of disease. But conspiracy theorists are falsely claiming that the sensors are actually COVID-19-detecting microchips that will be used to track people’s movements.
If this is not the most ridiculous factcheck I have ever read, it’s only because there are so many ridiculous ones.
In this factcheck, factcheck.org rubbishes the claims of various conspiracy theorists that DARPA and a biotech company, Profusa, have created microchips that can be ingested and can then track your location and tell the government if you have Covid.
DARPA, by the way, is the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), in other words, the research and development arm of the United States’ Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.
Factcheck.org dismiss this claim by pointing out that Profusa in fact hasn’t created a microchip. It is in fact a gel sensor – a gel sensor that to all intents and purposes functions exactly like a microchip, except that it is biologically compatible. In other words, functionally speaking, it is a microchip. Or perhaps we could call it a biochip, which is essentially a microchip that goes in the body?
They also dismiss the claim by pointing out that the gel sensor can’t tell if you have Covid. All it can do is monitor your blood pressure, temperature, blood sugar levels, etc., in other words, it can tell if you have the symptoms of Covid. Hmm. If it can tell if you have the symptoms of Covid, in other words it can kind of tell if you have Covid. <sarc>
They then claim it can’t track your location. It can, however, with the help of an external device, communicate your health information to your mobile phone, which can then communicate the information to the government, together with your location. Of course, your phone will only do this if you have “willingly” installed the app. (There has been no coercion with the vaccines, it’s all your free choice, <sarc>. ) So it can track your location with the help of an external device and your mobile phone, with the app you installed ‘willingly.’
Snopes also factchecked this one, with the same kinds of ridiculous assurances; in fact they’re calling it the ‘check engine’ light of your body:
Now in late-stage testing, the biological sensor is placed under the skin and picks up on chemical reactions inside of the body that indicate if a person is getting sick or eliciting an immune response. It works in much the same way as a “check engine” light notifies a driver of issues in the vehicle.
“It’s not some dreaded government microchip to track your every move, but a tissue-like gel engineered to continuously test your blood,” said Hepburn in season 53, episode 30 of “60 Minutes,” which aired on April 11.
You know, honestly, to ignore the fact that DARPA funded it and that there are so many possible nefarious uses of such technology proves that these fact checkers are no longer independent. Why, otherwise, would DARPA fund the creation of such a technology, if it had no military applications, for goodness’ sake?
Yeh, right, DARPA always tells the truth
The most ridiculous thing about factcheck.org’s fact check is that they emailed DARPA, who funded this research, to see if the claims are true. Oh, yeah, DARPA only developed this application, however, for benign uses. Not to find out where the enemy is and once you’ve killed him, to tell you he’s been killed. Of course not <sarc>.
The Pfizer pill that tells the mental health nurses it was swallowed.
This USA Today factcheck fact checks the paranoia people were feeling about Pfizer’s schizophrenia pill that will tell the mental health nurses you swallowed it; if you happen to be in the situation of being coerced into taking a medication.
“Pfizer CEO Bourla talking about the microchip that will be in medications," the caption reads. "Sounds normal right?? Just a conspiracy theory?? #Pfizer #vaccines.”
But the video circulating online was taken before the COVID-19 pandemic, and Bourla was speaking about a drug for schizophrenia that was approved by the Food and Drug Administration. There's no evidence that Pfizer's COVID-19 antiviral pills or vaccines contain microchips, as the posts suggest.
Yes and while it is true that the technology is apparently intended what appears to be a useful purpose, keeping the mentally ill people medicated, we can all see that such a technology could be incredibly useful if a government wanted to impose medical coercion of some kind on its citizens.
Here’s the CEO of Pfizer, Bourla’s, exact quote:
Maybe I will use an example. I think it is fascinating what is happening in this field right now. The FDA approved the first electronic pill, if I can call it that, it's basically a biological chip that is in the tablet and once you take the tablet it sends a signal that you took the tablet. Imagine the implications, the compliance. The insurance companies can know that the medicines that patients should take they do take them. It is fascinating what happens in this field.
Well, there’s no coercion. Don’t worry. You won’t be forced to take it.
And don’t worry anti-vaxxers, it’s not as if the experts think you’re mentally ill or something <sarc> (Link to a Springer article implying strongly that people who take an anti-vaccination position are mentally ill.)
By the way anti-vaxxer is a dreadful term to use for Covid vaccine refusers; most people who have not taken the vaccine are not anti-vaxxers at all; they are people who have taken influenza shots and the vaccines for international travel, etc etc. The Covid vaccines are in a class of their own.
Implantable Microchips being used for Banking in Sweden
Even snopes has to admit that this is true. However, committing a slight straw-man fallacy, they fact check a claim not many people have been making. Snopes fact checks a rarer claim: “Will an Implanted Microchip Replace Cards as Vaccine Passports? A Swedish company has created scannable digital implants that act as vaccine passports.” Um. Perhaps that’s so they can say it’s a mixture of truth and fiction:
Of course, to many Christians, implantable chips (and invisible marks, see below) sounds suspiciously like a biblical passage:
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name Revelation 13:16-17
Where is it all heading? That’s the question.
The point is though, that many technologies now exist that could have extremely nefarious applications, and I think we are correct to be cautious about claims that these technologies are all completely beneficial and would never be used for an evil purpose, particularly in light of the farce that has been the WEF/WHO/CDC/Big Pharma response to the Covid pandemic.
Let me go through a few studies and official sources:
Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches to record vaccination - this marvellous new invention (2019) in a study funded by Bill Gates can put a quantum dot on your skin that’s invisible to the naked eye that records the fact that you have been vaccinated - an invisible tattoo, in other words. They did it to rats, they can do it to you.
Hydrogel Nanoparticles for vaccine delivery - in 2016 various companies were developing nasal methods for delivering vaccines using nanoparticles. There are so many of these articles I’m not going to bother about giving the full description and only going to give a handful of pubmed links below.
Fractal designs for stretchable electronics - “Stretchable Electronics” was the beginning of biochips like the one the CEO of Pfizer is talking about: they have been developing stretchable electronics since 2013. Because these electronics are stretchable, they are much more able, to say, support “conformal mounting on the skin” (from the abstract) and are able to do all the things that biochips can do. In other words, stretchable electronics could, I suppose, be put into your blood, and could perform many of the functions that your mobile phone or computer could do (once they have NAND gates, AND gates, transistors and some sort of memory, you’ve got a computer). The problem might be the power supply I suppose, but they’ve had eight or nine years to solve that one.
Human Augmentation, brain interfaces, gene therapy, human germ line modification and bioinformatics for military applications (DOD Britain) The DOD in Britain is monitoring these technologies closely and plans to be ready to seize opportunities as they arise.
Ukrainian labs were working on nanotechnology pills, funded by US DOD. Here is the abstract:
The article contains analysis of the results and prospects of development of nanobiotechnology research and application of nanomaterials in biology, human and veterinary medicine. The ways and methods of studying of structural changes in biological and biophysical processes in natural biological systems and their facilities for the actions of nanomaterials are shown. The usage of chelates, based on nanoparticles of biogenic metals, in food and feed additives, usage of diagnostic methods of nanobiotechnology of diseases in humans and animals, nanocarriers designing drugs and vaccine adjuvants, the influence of metal nanoparticles on the viability of gametes, reproductive function and resistance of animals are analyzed.
Well, well. The usage of chelates. Nanocarriers designing drugs, vaccine adjuvants, the influence of metal nonparticles on gametes and reproductive functions. Do any of these sound somewhat familiar? What a shame they weren’t looking at the Covid vaccines to see if they might have some kind of effect on gametes and reproductive functions…
I’ve only scratched the surface in this article of the great number of dubious technologies that are being developed for nefarious applications around the world. I would be frightened by all of this, if I didn’t believe that Jesus Christ is indeed alive, risen from the dead, and seated on the throne of heaven, indeed, if I didn’t believe He is sovereign over all the governments and powers of this world and in the spiritual realm, perhaps I would despair. We live in a science fiction age, an age in which people run to and fro, and knowledge increases, like the time of the end in Daniel. (Daniel 12:4) Once again, humanity has overcome all the language barriers, this time using technology, and we are now in an age in which God might well say of humanity that “nothing they devise will be beyond them.”
One can’t help thinking that we are living in some sort of prophetic time. Even Naomi Wolf, the great feminist, says so, and she even quotes the bible while speaking of it.
But you see, this has all happened before, and the Lord acted to curb the hubris of mortal men then:
Now the whole world had one language and a common form of speech. And as people journeyed eastward, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there.
And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” So they used brick instead of stone, and tar instead of mortar.
“Come,” they said, “let us build for ourselves a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens, that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of all the earth.”
Then the LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men were building. And the LORD said, “If they have begun to do this as one people speaking the same language, then nothing they devise will be beyond them. Come, let Us go down and confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”
So the LORD scattered them from there over the face of all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it is called Babel, for there the LORD confused the language of the whole world, and from that place the LORD scattered them over the face of all the earth. Genesis 11: 1-9
If it is not such a prophesied time, then Jesus is sovereign and he will bring us through with our generations intact. But if this really is the time of the end in Daniel, then the world is nearing the unknown day of Christ’s return. Pray your love will not grow cold, and that you can persevere, for:
Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
then -
…the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And He will send out His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24:12-14, 30-31
Dubious Fact Check Hall of Fame
Human Augmentation
Ukrainian labs working on nanotechnology pills, funded by US DOD.
Fractal designs for stretchable electronics.
Quantum Dot
McHugh, Jing, Severt, Cruz, et al Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination 18 December 2019, Sci. Transl. Med. 11, eaay7162 (2019) DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aay7162 stm.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/11/523/eaay7162/DC1 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338044557_Biocompatible_near-infrared_quantum_dots_delivered_to_the_skin_by_microneedle_patches_record_vaccination
Funding information for this study:
Nanoparticles for nasal vaccine delivery:
Anti Vaxxers are mentally ill
Source for the WEF video
From the WEF video on youtube: https://youtu.be/Uio8X1h0H-E?t=2740