The link to the paper doesn’t work in McCullough’s article (below); here it is:
Clinical Rationale for SARS-Co-V-2 Base
Spike Protein Detoxification in Post
COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes
Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H.
Brian C. Procter, M.D.
Cade Wynn
I am unvaxxed. I was very ill in ICU for 2 weeks with what was diagnosed as covid. 1+ year later, I have worsening long covid symptoms, mostly endocrine and neurological, despite taking a few bucket loads of neutraceuticals recommended by these online doctors. The upshot is that I have little faith in their protocols.
This is compounded when they try to make sure we cannot understand what they are actually saying. The McCullough information, as ALWAYS, needs translation for those who do not have access to a tame doctor, and have to work things our for themselves, despite long covid symptoms like fatigue and brain fog. But at least (and at last) these are all over the counter, so that is a good start. So here is my translation of this latest "protocol".
Note that the information here is still not clear whether we are treating the spike protein from the jab, the spike protein from shedding, or the spike protein from a contagious bio-weapon. Potentially the three different modes of transmission may require different treatments. The PDF research paper does not make this clear and McCullough demands payment before he will interact with questions on his Substack. So if anyone has a subscription, perhaps you could ask him to modify and republish his paper making it completely unambiguous what form of the spike protein is being treated by this protocol at these doses.
Base Spike Detox (BSD) to be taken for 3-12 months to detox spike from the jab.
Nattokinase 2000 FU (100 mg per day)
Bromelain 500 qd (500 mg per day)
Nano/liposomal Curcumin 500 bid. (500 mg per day) (This form of curcurmin has been messed around with so that it is apparently more easily absorbed. I prefer to stay as natural as possible, so I take 2000 mg of turmeric which is absorbed better than curcurmin anyway, with black pepper to aid in absorption.)
These are all regarded as mild and safe in alternative health circles, although watch for too much blood thinning. The recommended doses look a little low to me.
For Australians:
I get Turmeric from here.
I get bromelain with quercetain here.
Shop around for nattokinase. It is very expensive. I bought some via i-herb, brought in from America. If I intend to keep taking it I will find an Australian supplier.