Robert Koch Institute email leak: None of the public health measures were based on science
This invalidates Australia's Misinformation legislation completely. The people who were banned on Facebook and Twitter were often right.
In Germany it has been revealed that the pandemic measures were organised internationally and politically, and that Universities and health institutes were obeying political commands, not making unbiased scientific decisions.
The video below is a presentation about this email release by German economist Stefan Homburg. I have summarised everything he says, reproducing the emails themselves with fidelity.
This is very important, particularly to Australia, where there is no reason to believe it was any different — these were not scientific measures but political, handed down internationally: if they can bring in misinformation laws in Australia they can just shut everybody down even after the event, including the brave whistleblower who disseminated these emails, and including anyone who shares this substack post.
When the Robert Koch Institute emails were issued with large amounts blacked out, Federal Health Minister Lauterbach said that the reason so much was redacted was simply to protect employees’ names: “Media speculate that RKI has received political instructions rather than worked scientifically independently. This is wrong. The blacked out parts are mainly employees’ names, to protect them from hate.” Well, now, someone has released these emails unredacted.
Now Lauterbach admits that the corona experts were politically influenced.
RKI: “If RKI does not meet policy makers, there is a risk that policy makers will develop indicators and/or that RKI will no longer be integrated.”
In other words, either we do what we’re told, or they will put us on the sidelines.
“Testing Testing Testing, is basically an implicit strategy that was dictated by politics. Overall tricky, because it is politics that has set the guidelines. In May 2020, it was obvious that there were no medical risks, and only rising PCR numbers were employed to prolong the notion of a pandemic. The directive from Minister Spahn was key here. He ordered to test not only sick people, but also the healthy, which had never been done before.” And a medical journal added that people with health insurance have to bear the financial burden.
March 2020 “It would be good to get the oral orders from the Federal Ministry of Health in written form.”
May 2020 “How should RKI deal with political orders from, for example, the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Labor, etc?”
And the clincher is this one:
28 September 2020 “An approval of the mRNA vaccine by the FDA before US elections is not desirable. The same holds true for the European Authorities.”
In other words, the European Authorities did not want to help Trump get elected by having the mRNA vaccines approved during the election. It was all about politics and not about health. They told the public they wanted to save everyone’s lives, but really, they were far more concerned about Biden being elected.
The FDA emergency approval was only granted in December 2020, after the election.
Was it really an emergency?
Some very remarkable quotes from March 2020: “AGI results suggest SARS-CoV2 does not circulate widely.” This is from the second day of the lockdowns.
Next day they write: “The trends should better not be formulated (or communicated ) because otherwise it would become difficult to justify further measures.”
“Number of free and occupied beds almost equal, meaning 50% vacancy in our hospitals.” At the same time they say publicly vacancy is less than 10%.
25 March protocol finally redacted in 2023
“It’s daring to state that causality exists (between measures and decline of the wave). After all, we are at the end of the flu season.”
There was a graph at the start of lockdowns shared internally that showed the progression of colds in every cold and flu season. The number of colds was actually lower in February - the political authorities told the Germans Coronavirus was harmless and a right wing conspiracy theory and not real - and that everyone should celebrate Carnival - but after March the mood changed - the colds had already receded when the lockdowns started.
15 April 2020. At this time the newspapers were saying: ‘There will be no vaccines for a long time because development takes ten years. When they are available, it will be voluntary.’
“There is currently no experience with DNA and RNA vaccines. EMA and Pfizer are considering whether to skip phase 3 trials.”
“A number of vaccines have become available that have been tested in quick succession. that have been tested will become available in quick succession. Relevant data will be collected post-marketing.”
In other words, vaccinate everybody first, then find out if it works or has side effects.
27 December 2020 vaccination began.
January 2021: “Vaccine effectiveness is not known. The duration of protection is also not known.”
EMA approval at the time admitted the only thing that vaccination could do was protect from a positive PCR test; what protection it offered from symptoms or severe illness was unknown.
In March 2021: “It’s not clear that after vaccination, fewer old people are dying. Do old people die?”
Vaccination mandates based on protection against transmission…
“It is to be expected (but it is not certain, because it has never been shown) that vaccines protect from severe illness, but cannot stop local proliferation of viruses.”
The vaccinated were still spreading the infection to others, in other words.
August 2021: “The benefit of 2G (a German scheme excluding unvaccinated people from social life) is not greater protection of others but greater self-protection.”
2022: “there is no evidence that vaccination makes any change to virus excretion (ie through bodily fluids, saliva, etc) , no change in evidence”
While public communication was saying that the mandates are all about protecting everybody, in actual fact the scientists at RKI knew that it wasn’t. But they didn’t say anything.
19 March 2021: “AstraZeneca. A lot of hype in general. Now twelve cases with sinus vein thrombosis. Paul Erlich Institut, pharmacovigilance offices can’t keep up well. Sinus thrombosis also in men, has a 20-fold higher incidence.”
19 May 2021 “Side effect reports, Paul Erlich Institut, had 45,000 in the last weeks, myocarditis in young men, sinus vein thrombosis, and so on.”
In the Brandenburg inquiry, the security head of the Paul Erlich Institute, Paul Stanislavski basically lied.
11 March 2020. “School closures in areas that are not particularly affected are not recommended.”
Five days later politicians shut down all the schools, on 16 March.
21 March 2021: “Paediatrics professional associations are reluctant to vaccinate children. Politicians are preparing vaccination campaigns.”
“Children when compared with other respiratory diseases, have a lower risk of severe disease progression”
Dec 2021: “The Health Minister plans a booster scheme for children, although there is no recommendation and partly no approval.”
NONE of these concerns were communicated to the public.
Pfizer public press release at the time: “In children aged 12-15 BioNTech is 100% effective against Covid without side effects”
Lauterbach at the time was a mouthpiece, an advertiser, for the pharma industry
There was no difference in occupancy of intensive beds in hospitals during the height of lockdowns and mandates. Billions of dollars in subsidies had to be given to hospitals to keep them from going broke. Where RKI indicates high risk, there is no change in intensive care hospital bed occupancy.
16 March 2020 “A new risk assessment was prepared (by another).”
& “Risk is scheduled to be scaled up this week.”
A day later they went into lockdown.
NATO General Holthernm ordered them to keep the risk assessment high.
They were ordered to make the risk assessment high just before the vote on vaccine mandates in the German parliament.
Courts mainly believed authorities, regarding vaccination mandates, lockdowns, school closures, the government was its own witness, which runs counter to the separateion of powers.
Things are changing:
from a recent court judgement: “This recommendation pro vaccination mandates, based on assessments of the RKI, is now refuted by the published internal protocols of the Institut”
It might invalidate Australia’s misinformation bill, but in a day or so, it won’t matter because the bill will be in place and we both be going to jail. You bring the cards, I’ll bring snacks.
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