Transgenic 2024 edition Paperback AVAILABLE! Get your copy NOW!
Transgenic 2024 Paperback edition is now available.
Unfortunately it is not in full colour: the price of the book would have been rather prohibitive (manufacturing cost > $90) considering the size (800 pages exactly.)
However for those who wish to have a colour edition I am at present preparing a hard-cover edition with full colour pictures, which will cost over US$100. The kindle version on the US store costs around US$11, the paperback around US$28.50 plus postage. The kindle costs around AU$16 and the paperback about AU$55 plus postage.
Full Index, Contents, over 1400 high quality reference
Transgenic is a great resource: the 2024 edition now has a full index at the rear of the book, a table of contents at the front, including summaries for every chapter. Transgenic 2024 has over 1400 high quality references, and even more studies including a full set of studies regarding the fertility destroying WHO tetanus shots allegedly used in Kenya in 2013.
Buy the paperback… if you live in the US — in case something happens to Trump before inauguration
I think we are entering a better era, particularly for those in the US. Of course, something is bound to go wrong (things always go wrong) but the truth is that internet censorship of these facts is unlikely to be a problem in the US in the near future. I hate to raise the possibility, though, but what if something happens to Trump?….
Australians, buy the paperback too…
Well, the Misinformation bill didn’t pass! But it doesn’t mean the powers-that-be won’t be trying to hide the facts. I am going to be updating this book from time to time with new information. Buy the paperback now, as your insurance policy.
Defeat the inevitable gaslighting, if the worst happens.
So consider this book a historical insurance policy for your continued sanity: if something happens to Trump, or the Democrats manage to overturn the election result, or the Australian Misinformation Legislation is unexpectedly resurrected one day like the head of the beast that was mortally wounded (Revelation 13:3) and passes (God forbid any of those thing happen!) well, you will need a book like this to remind yourself that you are not insane and your memory is not defective, when everything disappears from search engines and websites. You will have this book to remind you that everything you remember happening actually did happen, and that there is proof of it!
800 pages of proof.
…Or show everybody how hard-core you were, before they were…
On the other hand, if Trump survives to his inauguration, and suddenly everyone decides they were a Trump supporter all along, you will have Transgenic 2024 on your bookshelf as proof that you were one of the hard-core people who saw through all the lies when they were happening.
God bless.
Paid subscribers - download the book now for free
For my paid subscribers, the revised version (as pdf and epub) is available below. It has a few more contemporary references, that are not in the Amazon version, which I will be updating presently to encompass a few extra developments.
By the way - the book is issued under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 - which means you can quote it for your own research, even use extensive passages, so long as you attribute me as the author. This is the blurb from the kindle edition’s front pages: