Factcheck: A note of caution when interpreting excess mortality.
We have been ascribing excess deaths to the vaccine. There may be another another cause for some excess deaths.
Emerging Evidence (JAN 2022)
Evidence is gradually emerging that Steve Kirsch is most likely correct. Preprint studies from Canada about mortality statistics in Australia and India (In the article about the Australian statistics they also show figures from Ontario and Michigan) show an increase in all-cause mortality that is temporally associated with the vaccine, and follows vaccine administration.
Furthermore, the timing of the excess deaths not only follows vaccine administration, but is highly consistent across age groups.
And looking at the detail, the timing and extent of the vaccine rollout matches and precedes the curve of excess deaths, indicating that the vaccine rollout is the cause of the excess deaths.
If I have time, I might look into the excess deaths for younger people, which are not shown in this study. An increase in mortality is to be expected because the baby boomers are getting older, as I explain below, however, one does not expect the so-called vaccine that is supposed to be extending their lives to be the very thing that is killing them.
Excess Deaths?
This graph does not show excess deaths due to the vaccines:

No, this graph shows births, and the red area is births per 1000 population from 1946 to around 1960.
These births the biggest demographic group in most Western countries: the Baby Boomers, and the Baby Boomers are now aged between 67 and 79.
The number of births of the Baby Boomers compared to the previous generation is around 40-45% greater. ( say 26 births per 1000 / 18 births per 1000 = 1.44 )
The average age of death in the United States at present is 77. I would not be surprised if we began to see a 40% increase in mortality over the next ten years as the baby boomers die off.
When looking at population mortality statistics, to identify a coronavirus vaccine signal, we will need to see an increase in deaths in a younger population. An increase of 40% population wide is to be expected, because most people die anyway from the age of 70 upwards.
What is interesting, of course, about the excess deaths reported by insurance companies (40%) is that this group is working aged people, aged 18-64. And the number of working aged people has not increased greatly, so this actually is a significant increase.
So when reading reports of excess mortality, it is worth noting whether the age groups of the excess deaths are reported on. A 40% increase in mortality is to be expected in the above 70 age group, because of demographics. However, a 40% increase in mortality in working aged people should not be happening, and is why the life insurance statistics are so concerning.
Addendum: People working longer.
I have to say I’m not completely sure that the 40% increase in life insurance payouts might not be partially explained by the Baby Boomers participation in workforce.
The fact is that the percentage of people working in their 70s has been increasing very slowly since the 1990s. Right now about 32% of the 65-74 year olds are still working, that figure was much the same last year, if a tiny bit lower, presumably. But the percentage of people who are actually in this age group in the workforce has gradually increased, over the last ten years, as the Baby boomers joined this cohort.
But the increase in mortality is too large and sudden to simply be explained by this.
The question is, do these people have life insurance? Perhaps life insurance stops at age 64? Or are they still paying life insurance, if they’re employed, into their 70s?
It would be nice to see the age distribution of the mortality increase actually.
It is to be noted that Scott Davison expressly said in his report the increase in mortality was in people aged 18-64.
This is the labor force participation, which has been increasing gradually.

Baby Boomers a more compliant demographic
Hehe - (morbid laugh) - of course the Baby Boomers being a more compliant demographic and more trusting of government and therefore more likely to be vaccinated may well be a large part of the 40% increase, considering it has followed the administration of the vaccination. Yes they may well have died anyway in the next ten years, but the timing and the extremely tight correlation of these excess deaths with the experimental mRNA therapy injection is suspicious to say the least.
Change log -
3:25 added addendum: It may be noted that people are working longer. However this doesn’t explain a 40% increase in mortality among working aged people, as Baby Boomers account for less than 20% of working aged people, and the increase in labour participation rates has been very gradually and uniform, the 40% increase in mortality is very sudden. -
3:39 changed addendum to the present addendum
4:04 added the compliant bit