1 Comment
May 22Edited

Yeah, well, what’s soured me on Substack is the narrative shift of popular creators who now demonize IVM as a plot within a plot. I mean seriously. Between the no viruses exist crowd, contagions are all in your head, the snake venom, 5G tinfoil hat, chemtrails, all the rest, and now Ivermectin is actually a sterilization drug full of LNPs that was purposely ridiculed to bait the anti-vaxxers? Wow. All I can say is, whether you believe all or part of this shit or not who in their right mind thinks any of it moves the needle towards bringing down the Plandemic clown show? But, what it does do is monetize conspirators. Not a whole lot different objectively from what big pharma is doing. I once believed Substack had a shot. Now, it’s a train wreck of controlled opposition, conspiracy theorists, and opportunists all being monetized while accomplishing nothing. Oh yeah, and let’s not forget the new variant coming out of, where else? China! Why, anyone is stupid enough to believe any news coming out of China after all the lies they perpetrated during Covid is beyond comprehension. But the Geert Vanden Bossche crowd are gonna say, see? I knew his vaccine pressure theory would create a killer variant! Be afraid. Be very afraid!!

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