The TGA is funded 96% by Big Pharma, and they have no right to exist under the Australian Constitution, not only because they claim to have no duty of care, but also because medical conscription is not allowed.
My cartoon from a year and a half ago seems even more relevant now:
The Australian Constitution prohibits medical conscription — section 51(xxiiiA).
(xxiiiA) the provision of maternity allowances, widows' pensions, child endowment, unemployment, pharmaceutical, sickness and hospital benefits, medical and dental services (but not so as to authorize any form of civil conscription), benefits to students and family allowances;
What this means in practice was enumerated in a 95 page High Court ruling on the meaning of this provision. British Medical Association v Commonwealth [1949] HCA 44; (1949) 79 CLR 201 (7 October 1949). Here are some quotes from the decision by High Court judge Latham CJ:
“The power is not a power to make law with respect to, e.g. pharmaceutical benefits and medical services. It is a power to make laws with respect to the provision of such benefits and services” (at p242)
“If a person or institutions choose to remain outside the benefits of the scheme there is not in my opinion anything in the Act to compel them to accept those benefits.” (at p244)
“(xxiiiA) relates only to the provision by the Commonwealth, and not by, e.g. doctors on private practice, of medical services.” (at p247)
“The object of conferring power upon the Commonwealth Parliament to make laws for the provision of pharmaceutical benefits was to enable the Parliament to make laws with respect to (inter alia) the provision of pharmaceutical benefits by the Commonwealth under a scheme which should involve no compulsion of service by any person which would leave every person, according to his own will, and not by reason of the exercise of the will of Parliament or of any other person, at liberty to take part in the execution of the scheme or to stand outside the scheme altogether, whether as doctor, as chemist or as patient.” (at p253)
One of the other judges, Williams J, said:
“It would equally be a form of civil conscription of medical or dental services to compel medical practitioners or dentists by law to make their professional services as civilians available to the Commonwealth or its authorities or the States or their authorities or to carry on their professions in particular localities. Conscription as a word of general application would seem to signify compulsory as opposed to voluntary service, so that the words "industrial conscription" would seem naturally to connote compulsory as opposed to voluntary employment in industry, and the expression "civil conscription of medical and dental services" naturally to connote the compulsory as opposed to the voluntary exercise of such services in civil life. Accordingly, in my opinion, the expression invalidates all legislation which compels medical practitioners or dentists to provide any form of medical or dental service.” (at p287)
The only excuse for the existence of the TGA in particular, which is the Federal body that regulates which medications doctors may use, is that they exist for the good of the people of Australia, in other words, they regulate the medications so that unsafe medications are not used on people.
According to the high court decision of 1949 we can ignore the TGA and any conscriptive or coercive decisions they make.
The high court decision of 1949 invalidates the existence of the TGA, particularly because in their application to dismiss McCann et al, the TGA has stated that they do not have a duty of care towards the Australian population. This means they do not have any right to exist, because every action they take and every decision they make is medical conscription. Any regulations they make can, according to the 1949 High Court decision, be ignored completely by chemists, doctors, or patients.
Of course, in order to challenge their existence one would have to have the funds and the expertise to take them to court. But it’s enough at this moment to realise they are completely illegitimate under the Australian constitution, accordingly, if we ignore them and take our own measures to have our own health outside of the system, we are not doing anything wrong.
The Australian State and Federal Governments collaborated to infringe the Nuremberg code and numerous human rights agreements in order to coerce people into taking experimental medications
The TGA and AHPRA have no right to exist because the Australian Constitution prohibits medical coercion/conscription — especially if they do not have a duty of care to ALL Australian patients.
According to the Australian Constitution Doctors and Pharmacists may not be deregistered for not following AHPRA advice, or for prescribing medications not approved by the TGA.
quotes from
Also see this excellent article on the topic written by a medical Doctor:
Also my previous articles on this topic
Decisions of the High Court carry no weight (in 1949 or anytime). These courts and legal institutions are no better than the TGA, they exist to serve their masters. When they want McCann et al to go away, and make no mistake, the masters are demanding they go away, the court will pull a some fancy sentence out of its bag of ‘tricks that make inconvenient things go away’, and poof! It goes away.
They are not even being discreet about it anymore. Look at every case brought up before the courts in Australia. We will not win this war in the courts, the legal system is fighting for the other side.