This is Guidance for a problem I face in advising my 2 younger brothers on a topic that will not be welcomed although maybe healing in due course. None of us have been spring chickens for some time.

Thank you, Martin Luther. Thank you, FirstFactCheck.

Humbly Grateful ...

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http://magdeburgconfession.com might also be useful

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Yup, am onto that now.

As humans, it seems that we are easy to persuade that acting together is less fun than shopping for whatever we fancy, if I can categorise the individualist philosophy that way.

Thanks for the useful insight!

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God bless you -- I'll keep you in prayer, that Jesus will help you and guide you.

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Accepted with gratitude.

It's these letters I've been planning to write for nearly a year now and there is always something said or read that says just wait a bit. Fully encapsulated in your post and in the material that inspired same.

One allows life to keep getting in the way....

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