Fact Check: Do the mRNA vaccines cause long, rubbery blood clots? Is Bill Gates a mass murderer? Fact checking Stew Peters' movie, Died Suddenly.
The makers of Watch the Water, the snake venom-vaccine movie, give us a movie with a lot more fact and a little less fiction.
On the whole, Died Suddenly is a much better movie than Stew Peters’ first documentary.
Despite the fact that the first six minutes of Stew Peters’ new movie, Died Suddenly, is basically a montage of difficult to prove conspiracy theories, the rest of the movie is far better in general and more factual, and a great deal more well-reasoned and well-researched than his first movie, Watch The Water, in which Dr Brian Ardis’ reasoning was dubious at best.
I fact-checked the first movie here.
Stew Peters’ new movie, Died Suddenly, is available to watch on Rumble here and is well worth watching, except for the first six minutes, which completely undermines the whole movie.
I will deal with the montage before the 6 minute mark at the end.
6’0” - CLAIM #1: strange blood clots found in the blood.
It is indeed well-verified that embalmers have found strange blood clots in the blood of some people who have died suddenly since the vaccines were introduced.
The strange blood clots - are they prions?
These blood clots found by embalmers in the blood of vaccinated people are by now well attested, and seem to be caused by the Covid vaccines. Embalmers have been finding them since the beginning of vaccination; strange rubbery fibrous clots in veins and arteries, some as long as 3 metres. These sorts of side effects are now mentioned in academic studies as well.
Dr Jessica Rose, an expert in mathematics and microbiology, has written an article about how these strange blood clots might be caused by the vaccine: she believes the spike protein may be acting as a prion with regard to haemoglobin.
Proteins must fold correctly in three dimensions in order to function correctly and travel around in the cells (indeed, according to Douglas Axe, an expert in the problem of the folding of proteins, this is one of the marvels of the design of life, for the proportion of possible proteins that are able to fold correctly may be as low as 1 in 10^77.) When proteins are unable to fold correctly, they are functionally useless.
Prions, however, are mis-folded proteins that can actually cause a cascade effect by triggering other proteins to mis-fold; Alzheimer’s disease is apparently a double prion disease in the brain. Prion diseases in the brain include Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Syndrome, Fatal Familial Insomnia, Kuru.
According to Jessica Rose, it appears that in some people the Covid vaccines may cause a prion-like effect in the blood rather than the brain, causing a cascade effect with the molecule that carries oxygen around our bodies, haemoglobin.

33’ 08” The claims of Steve Kirsch
The interview with Steve Kirsch is very good, and all of Steve Kirsch’s claims are well-backed up with facts and data on his substack.
Steve Kirsch’s substack is excellent and his offer of a million dollars for a public figure simply to appear and debate Steve on Covid vaccine safety has still not been taken up by anyone on the pro-vaccine side. Steve Kirsch was vaccinated in March 2021, and began to hear stories from his friends, about relatives dying soon after vaccination. He began to check up on these stories.
Steve Kirsch has a list of his evidence of harm of the mRNA vaccines here.
The movie makes the point that nobody in Congress or the mass media want to know what’s in the vaccine, and that the general public seems not to be curious.
Apparently the typical vaccine insert looks like this:
The mRNA vaccine insert still has “Intentionally Blank” written on it nearly two years after they were released.
I fact checked Steve Kirsch’s claim about the Israeli ministry of health cover-up of the vaccine harm signal - there is good evidence for this claim, in the form of several meetings secretly recorded. The CDC vaccine committee is ignoring Steve Kirsch’s insistence that the data shows that the VAERS safety signal has been triggered.
And when you consider that the Novartis influenza vaccine was suspended in Italy after only 13 deaths, it is quite ridiculous that the mRNA vaccines were being given for so long considering that in VAERS over 15,000 deaths have now been reported; the underreporting factor is 31x according to Jessica Rose.
The dreadful images of people collapsing suddenly and passing away are quite shocking - this movie is not suitable for children.
Is there an increase in mortality because of the vaccine?
I have been reluctant to cover this subject because of the difficulty of establishing the causative link of excess mortality with the vaccination, although I did cover the athlete’s deaths here.
However, quite recently, Joanne Nova’s blog has covered data that has come out of South Australia demonstrating a very clear increase in hospital visits for heart and circulatory problems around the start of the mRNA vaccinations. Due to the lack of Covid cases in South Australia until January of 2022, it is very clear that this increase in hospital visits has nothing to do with Covid, and the link between myocarditis and other heart problems and the mRNA vaccines and young men is by now well established.
Decline in Births?
The evidence from the Australian Bureau of Statistics of a decline in births in late 2021 is probably inaccurate, because it appears the figures had not been compiled yet.
Jessica Rose has some good articles about increases in stillbirths and miscarriages among vaccinated women.
Nonetheless fertility effects are well-known, and there is evidence that indicates pregnant women should not breastfeed in the first few weeks after vaccination.
The claims at the start: Malthusian Population Dynamics and Genocide.
The claim at the start that the global elites want to achieve population control by genocide is very difficult to prove: Bill Gates’ statements in his speech at 5’ 50” are taken out of context; in the speech he is actually saying that by increasing poor peoples’ standard of living using vaccines and health care, they will no longer desire to have as many children.
Nevertheless the actions of the WHO tell a slightly different story: their actions in 2014 in Kenya and in 2019 in Samoa certainly appear indicate that WHO is quite happy to sterilise women without their permission and indeed, to use even more nefarious methods as they seem to have done in Samoa. And the long history of WHO research into methods of using vaccination to sterilise women involuntarily (below in the references are listed just 2 of the studies; there are more.) also indicates that they are perfectly willing to use nefarious means.
Therefore - and I don’t like to say it - this claim seems to have merit.
But the problem is - Stew Peters probably loses more people than he gains by saying these things. And particularly the plethora of conspiracy theories referenced visually in the first six minutes undermines the whole film.
This movie is far better than Watch the Water. Stew Peters’ has interviewed far more credible people, such as Steve Kirsch, and the main claims the movie makes are likely to be true, in my opinion.
Except for the first six minutes. And a few other things too.
Addendum - a note about documentaries.
The documentary format does not allow as much information as a written work, and that information has to be transmitted in a visual dramatic narrative. It is somewhat unrealistic to expect a movie to contain as much information as a book or a blog; so I am prepared to give a movie like Died Suddenly some leeway, particularly since the main claims it makes are verifiable.
Addendum to addendum - wrong visual facts are not good
However as this article points out there are some things that are not so easily excused, such as using footage of a soccer player who died on the field before Covid, see this Robert Malone article:
Also another good article touching on visual misinformation
Unfortunately, as alluded to above, there is one huge issue with this segment. The live clot at the end has nothing to do with the COVID-19 vaccinations (it came from a surgery posted on youtube a year before the vaccines entered the market).
These errors will unfortunately cause the whole film to be discredited when it shouldn’t be, as will the first six minutes.
Indeed, those who believe themselves to be clever leftist intellectuals will immediately dismiss the film on the basis of the first six minutes, which has led to some bloggers calling Died Suddenly controlled opposition/ intentional sabotage. Of course rather ironically those saying this also look crazy - so where does that leave us?
7 Dec - added the stuff about the first six minutes.
9 dec added the intentional sabotage paragraph at the end thanks to link posted in comments
Medical advice?
None of the articles on this Substack are to be construed as medical advice. This is a journalistic fact check using the best studies, data and evidence that I could find, but if you want medical advice, ask a knowledgeable Doctor who takes the Hippocratic oath seriously.
WHO Funded Studies into using Vaccines to sterilise humans.
G P Talwar and N C Sharma and S K Dubey and M Salahuddin and C Das and S Ramakrishnan and S Kumar and V Hingorani, Isoimmunization against human chorionic gonadotropin with conjugates of processed beta-subunit of the hormone and tetanus toxoid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 73:1, pp 218-222, 1976, doi 10.1073/pnas.73.1.218, https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.73.1.218 https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.73.1.218
In funding notes at the end of the text: “This project was funded by a Research and Training Center Grant of the World Health Organization (animal experiments only), the Family Planning Foundation of India, and the International Committee for Contraception Research.”
Sekhar Chakrabarti, J. Srinivasan, Lavanya Lall, L.V. Rao, Gursaran P. Talwar, Expression of biologically active human chorionic gonadotropin and its subunits by recombinant vaccinia virus, Gene, Volume 77, Issue 1, 1989, Pages 87-93, ISSN 0378-1119, https://doi.org/10.1016/0378-1119(89)90362-4.(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0378111989903624)
Blood clots
Interestingly even Politifact admits there has been an increase in blood clots since the vaccine rollout.
This is interesting?